Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Freebie 1 and Mary update 1-3

I've been working on this too besides Mary.

This is a famous freebie from swappons (click here. for the chart). I am thinking of framing it afterward and put it in the kitchen.

My Mary is going very slowly. At least I like the new colors I picked instead of white & ecre. I love looking at other SAL participants pics, especially the ones stitched with a gradation of one hue. I am in love with the one by a French stitcher and a Japanese stitcher who use mauve /purple /pink /lavender. Those are my favorite colors. Maybe I will use these colors in my next quaker sampler (first, finish this one!!!)

MW といえば、指定糸ではなくて、同系色で刺していらっしゃる方がけっこういますね。とっても素敵です。特にフランスと日本のSALで見かけたモーヴ系(私の一番好きな色)にあこがれますが、自分のセンスに自信がないので、とっても惹かれるのですが、今回はやっぱり多色でいきます。(やっぱり最初のクウェーカーサンプラーだし、一度は多色使いを刺して見たかったし.....) 今度クウェーカーにチャレンジするときにはぜひ同系色で刺してみたいです(妄想中.....)。MaryのほかにFreebieなどにも浮気しています。


  1. You are definitely making great progress! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for your comment! I am such a slow stitcher, and it's been a challenge, but at least it is going...
